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Privacy policy


Article 1 - Use of data


The personal data collected from users is used to provide and improve the website's services and to maintain a secure environment. The legal basis for processing is the execution of the contract between the user and the website. More specifically, the data is used for the following purposes:

- implementation of user assistance ;

- access and use of the website by the user ;

- verification, identification and authentication of data transmitted by the user ;

- personalize services by displaying advertisements based on the user's browsing history and preferences;

- fraud prevention and detection, security incident and malware management ;

- management of any disputes with users ;

- management and optimization of the website ;

- sending commercial and advertising information, according to the user's preferences;

- organization of the conditions of use of the Payment Services.


Article 2 - Data retention policy


The website retains your data for the time necessary to provide you with its services and support. 

The purpose is to meet regulatory and legal obligations, prevent fraud and settle disputes. We may also retain some of your information if necessary, even after you have closed your account or we no longer need to provide you with our services.


Article 3- Sharing personal data with third parties


Personal data may be shared with other companies in the European Union in the following cases:

- when the user publishes publicly accessible information in the free comment areas of the website;

- As soon as the user uses the payment services, for the implementation of these services, the website is in relation with financial and banking companies with which it has signed contracts;

- when the user authorizes a third-party website to access his/her data;

- if required by law, the website may transmit data in order to pursue claims against the website and to comply with administrative and legal proceedings.

Article 4 - Exercising your rights

If you wish to exercise any of the aforementioned rights or require further information, please contact the company at the following e-mail address: or by post at the following company headquarters address: 1 boulevard du général de gaule 16110 là rochefoucauld

You have the following rights to your data according to the regulations:

  • Right to withdraw your consent at any time (art. 13-2c RGPD) for all data processing based on the legal basis of your consent. Furthermore, with regard to commercial prospecting, you have the option of unsubscribing from our mailing lists at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in our communications or by contacting us to stop receiving solicitation messages.
  • Right of access to your Data, including the right to request a copy, and to the information provided in this privacy policy (art. 15 RGPD). Where the legal basis for data processing is our legitimate interest, you have the opportunity to request information relating to the balancing we have carried out between the interests of our customers and those of the Company prior to such processing.
  • Right of rectification (art. 16 RGPD) and update your data held by us.
  • Right to erasure of your Data (art. 17 RGPD) when the data is no longer necessary for us, you have withdrawn your consent to its Processing (if it was based on our consent) or you object to Processing based on our legitimate interest or to Processing carried out for canvassing purposes or for profiling purposes related to canvassing.

  • Right to limit of the Processing, which, except for compelling reasons, may no longer be implemented without your consent (art.18 RGPD) when:
  • You dispute the accuracy of the data, for the time required to verify it
  • If data processing is unlawful, but you object to the deletion of the data and opt instead for the restriction of processing,
  • when we no longer need the data, but they are still necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of your legal rights.
  • Where you have objected to processing based on our legitimate interest, for the time necessary to balance our respective interests. 
  • Right to portability of Data directly provided by the data subject where it is subject to automated processing based on your consent or on a contract (art. 20 RGPD). This right means that you have the possibility of requesting the communication of this data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format so that it can be communicated to another data controller.
  • Right to object (art. 21 RGPD) to the processing of your data when such processing has as its legal basis our legitimate interest.
  • Right to define the fate of your Data after your death (art. 40-1 of law 78-17 of January 6, 1978) and to choose a trusted third party to whom the Company may entrust it.

Article 5 - Addressees

We undertake to ensure that any Data recipient presents sufficient and appropriate contractual guarantees to respect your rights, so that processing meets the requirements of the RGPD where this regulation applies (in particular with regard to subcontracting). On the basis of our legal obligations, your Data may be disclosed in application of a law, regulation or by virtue of a decision by a competent regulatory or judicial authority.

The information you provide is strictly confidential and may not be disclosed to third parties, except with your express consent or if you have decided to make it public under the conditions provided for by law. 

Our external service providers (e.g. suppliers, carriers, etc.) may, in the context of the processing described above, receive personal data when this is necessary for the performance of their tasks.

We undertake to ensure compliance with applicable regulations relating to the transfer of data to countries outside the European Union, in particular in the following ways:

  • We will transfer the data of visitors, prospects and customers to countries recognized as offering an adequate level of protection;
  • When the country of destination does not offer an adequate level of protection, we use transfer tools that comply with regulations, such as the European Commission's standard contractual clauses.

We may publish, disclose and use aggregated information (information relating to site users, prospects, customers, etc.) which we combine in such a way that no natural person is individually identifiable. This processing is carried out in accordance with our legitimate interest for statistical purposes, sector and market analysis, presentation of our activities, promotional and advertising purposes and other commercial purposes.

Article 6 - Commercial offers


Your data may be used by the publisher's partners for commercial prospecting purposes.

If, when consulting the site, you access personal data, you must refrain from any collection, any unauthorized use and any act that may constitute an infringement of the privacy or reputation of persons. The publisher declines all responsibility in this respect.

Data is stored and used for a period that complies with current legislation.

Article 7 - Cookies 


What is a "cookie"?

A "Cookie" is an electronic file deposited on a terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) and read, for example, when consulting a website, reading an e-mail, installing or using software or a mobile application, regardless of the type of terminal.


Where appropriate, "cookies" issued by the site editor and/or third-party companies may be deposited on your terminal, with your consent. In this case, the first time you browse this site, a banner explaining the use of cookies will appear. Before continuing navigation, the customer and/or prospect must accept or refuse the use of cookies. The consent given will be valid for a period of thirteen (13) months. The user may deactivate cookies at any time.

The following cookies may be present on this site:

Google cookies :

- Google analytics: to measure the audience of the site;

- Google tag manager: makes it easy to implement tags on pages and manage Google tags;

- Google Adsense: Google's advertising network that uses websites or YouTube videos as a medium for its ads; 

- Google Dynamic Remarketing: offers dynamic advertising based on previous searches; 

- Google Adwords Conversion: adwords campaign tracking tool; 

- DoubleClick: advertising cookies from Google to display banners.

Meta cookies :

- Facebook connect: allows you to log in using your Facebook account;

- Facebook social plugins: allows you to like, share and comment on content with a Facebook account;

- Facebook Custom Audience: allows you to interact with your audience on Facebook.

Tik Tok cookies : 

Tik Tok ads: promote advertising to an audience 

Tik Tok library: search for the best-performing advertising campaigns by region

Article 8 - Photographs and representation of products

The photographs of products, accompanying their description, are not contractual and do not engage the editor.

Article 9 - Applicable law

The present conditions of use of the site are governed by Andorran law and are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the registered office of the publisher, subject to a specific attribution of jurisdiction arising from a particular legal or regulatory text.

Article 10 - Contact us

If you have any questions or require information about the products presented on the site, or about the site itself, you can leave a message at the following e-mail address: